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Apr 27, 20203 min read
While they watch - be contagious.

Apr 23, 20204 min read
Stay in your lane.
The Lord has gifted each of us with a in your purpose and stay in your lane.

Apr 20, 20204 min read
Sometimes I need a little reassurance that I heard God correctly. Like Gideon - I need a landmark.

Apr 15, 20204 min read
My favorite Boots
God had the power and the forethought to supernaturally provide the staying power of the Israelites. Its just what Daddys do.

Apr 14, 20203 min read
I see you.
You couldn't see me but you never left my sight.

Apr 8, 20204 min read
The Easter Seed
All of creation knows and I stand amazed. Not one detail of God's creation is a coincidence - all was created to tell of His majesty.

Apr 6, 20205 min read
The Cave Prayer
Lord - use my cave prayer to give me strength, wisdom and so that others will believe.

Apr 5, 20202 min read
I’m not sure exactly how it happened.
Satan can use the smallest of things, embedding them in our hearts and minds to stunt our spiritual growth.

Apr 4, 20204 min read
Battle Strategies of the Enemy
If I'm honest the events of our world are beginning to weigh heavy. I've been trying to wrap my head around the enormity of it all.

Apr 3, 20204 min read
My Ebenezer Stone
My Ebenezer Stone refocuses my attention on a God who watches over me every minute of the day, answering prayers that I haven't even prayed

Mar 30, 20204 min read
Only God brings the Increase
Bring it to God and prepare for the blessing.

Mar 28, 20203 min read
Sometimes Joy can be difficult to muster and those feelings of dread and despair always come unannounced.

Mar 28, 20203 min read
Marred to Magnificent.
Marred can become Magnificent underneath the hands of the potter.

Mar 28, 20203 min read
Scrambling to be always first will sometimes land you dead last.

Mar 26, 20202 min read
Bella and the Frog
How many times a day does God send the legions of beings at his disposal and at his call to protect His children from unseen enemy attacks.

Mar 26, 20202 min read
Remember the Fourth man.
The fear of a current day pandemic has created an environment of panic. But fear is the enemy and in that Satan smiles.

Mar 25, 20203 min read
Layer by Layer
The renovation process is a delicate one - one layer at a time must come off in order to protect the delicate wood beneath.

Mar 4, 20203 min read
Bananas and Herbs
Emotionally and spiritually bruised? God can use the good, the bad, and the ugly experiences in your life to show Himself faithful.

Mar 2, 20203 min read
Just not ready yet....
It's peanut time in North Florida and the farmers are getting ready for the harvest - but sometimes Its hard to tell when it's time.

Mar 1, 20203 min read
When I'm full I can give from the abundance that is within.

Transparent Walk

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